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UNI EN ISO 9001(TUV Nord)、UNI EN ISO 14001(TUV Nord)、BRC(TUV Nord)に従って認定された品質システムの管理、および予防管理システムHACCP危害分析重要管理点の社内導入により、製品を市場で最も安全なものにすること、消費者を守り保護すること、そして完全な健康を確保すること。




Quality and environment policy

F.lli Longobardi S.r.l. has been operating since 1988 in the production and sale of fresh tomato derivatives: peeled tomatoes, diced tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and passata. Over the years it has constantly renewed its commitment to guaranteeing the quality, hygiene, safety and legality of processes and products, as well as the protection of the environment, towards all interlocutors and especially its customers. . The fresh raw materials used come from crops in Italy, according to the regulations and / or disciplinary regulations of the law. The production cycle is fundamentally based on the main processes such as the purchase of raw materials and delivery methods, short storage, washing, sorting, and directing to the various processing lines, up to boxing, sterilization and palletization, storage and handling of the finished product. The processes are all kept under control, in particular those that require processing parameters and control measurements of the requirements of the product being transformed and / or finished. For these activities, the company has the most suitable process and control instrumentation, as required by the regulations on hygiene, healthiness and quality of finished products. For the realization of the aforementioned, F.lli Longobardi S.r.l., through the top management, expresses the same corporate commitment at the two operational offices of Scafati (SA) and Calvi (BN), according to the production powers, for:

  • Keep its Quality Management System effective according to the principles of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard;
  • Maintain effective its Environmental Management System according to the principles of the UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 standard;
  • Keep your own Hygienic and Safety Self-Control System of processes and products effective according to the principles of HACCP;
  • Keep the Management System effective according to the principles of the BRC GLOBAL STANDARD ed.7 2015
  • Maintain an effective Management System (where applicable) according to the internationalized HALAL principles
  • Maintain the effective control system of organic products pursuant to Reg. CE 834/2007, JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standard) and Bio Suisse Organic (International Certification Bio Suisse) certified by the CCPB (Consortium for the control of products control IT BIO 009).
  • The company has been certified by bodies recognized to the aforementioned schemes for several years and towards which it has always shown full compliance with the respective regulatory requirements.

F.lli Longobardi S.r.l. is in fact fully aware that the correct setting of business activities, based both on the Quality Principles expressed by ISO 9000 and on management by “processes”, is essential for its success, starting from relations with suppliers to customer satisfaction, as well as for environmental improvement expectations relating to the territorial context in which it operates, for which appropriate environmental aspects and impacts (risks) are identified and actions to prevent possible environmental damage are implemented through procedures, instructions, registrations and planning of surveillance and measurements .

It was also the will of F.lli Longobardi S.r.l. that the activities and processes were managed not only in certified quality, but also in the principle of sustainable development, according to which the evolution of technology must be adapted to the optimal conditions for safeguarding the internal and external environment.

Satisfying its customers in terms of product, and continuously improving the quality of its processes and services, by intervening on possible complaints expressed, are further elements of continuous improvement of the organization, and the general commitments that the company assumes are:

  • Pursue the search and elimination of accidents, non-conformities, complaints in the belief that a defect can lead not only to corrective action (and related costs), but also to possible actions for liability for damages;
  • Pursue an assiduous and constant collaboration with suppliers in order to activate relationships marked by growth
    continuous and joint overall quality;
  • Pursue the achievement of a safe and comfortable work environment for the performance of workers’ duties;
  • Manage the corrective / preventive actions taken as they represent a means of monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of the system;
  • Ensure compliance with all legal requirements relating to the business and the product, especially with regard to the protection of the environment and the safety and legality of food production;
  • Engage its human and material resources in order to continuously improve quality, food safety and environmental performance.
  • To produce in conditions of safety and legality to guarantee a suitable product for consumers;
  • Respect the legislation and regulations in force and the other requirements signed by F.lli Longobardi.
  • Anticipate legislative trends as far as possible;
  • Pursue continuous improvement of performance;
  • Implement suitable measures to prevent pollution and reduce energy consumption;
  • Make sure that the Quality and Environment policy, food safety and the related Management System are including, implemented, maintained at all levels of organization and that the system is supported by periodic and systematic training and training activities;
  • Plan, implement and verify that the specific objectives / targets for improvement of the Management System are agreed through the tool of the review and all the records related to it, monitored and notified at least quarterly to the Management.
  • To ensure, through an appropriate investment policy, the constant technological updating of the plants, instrumental equipment and production structures.
  • Periodically review the methods for managing the HACCP systems and for the protection and control of food.
  • Implement a program of meetings, at least monthly, to assess issues relating to the safety, legality and quality of food products.
  • To ensure that information on scientific and technical developments, industry codes of ethics, risks inherent to raw materials, applicable legal requirements of the countries of supply, production and sale of raw materials and products is always up-to-date.
  • Being open to any market and customer needs in requesting added value or product diversification (eg: Halal), allow us to keep the expectation of continuous improvement alive.

F.lli Longobardi S.r.l. therefore also believes in the importance of protecting and safeguarding the environment, considering respect for the ecosystem as a particular guarantee for the development of the company and the surrounding area. To this end, an Environmental Policy has been adopted whose foundations are made up of the following rules:

  • Ensure absolute compliance with all national and local regulations in force that regulate environmental protection as well as any other internal requirements;
  • Prevent and / or minimize pollution, with a view to “sustainable development”;
  • Disseminate the Environmental Policy at all levels of the organization to allow its knowledge, understanding and its daily application;
  • Prevent, control and reduce the environmental impacts resulting from the activity carried out, with particular attention to the most significant aspects aimed at an effective specific reduction in consumption (water, energy) and the maintenance of a high commodity breakdown of waste;
  • Commit the available resources, according to sustainable development criteria, so that the applications of new technologies contemplate a significant reduction in the costs incurred, aimed at reducing environmental impacts;
  • Ensure that the environmental policy is publicly available.

In detail of the quality / environmental context, the following are particularly taken into account:

  1. Carry out its activities in compliance with the current legal provisions relating to product requirements (especially those with brands, production improvement programs, etc.) and those of environmental laws (pollution of water, air, soil and end of life cycle , etc.);
  2. Minimize the consumption of energy, water, raw materials and the production of waste, favoring its recovery where possible;
  3. Ensure that the Quality and Environment policy and the related management system are disseminated, understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization and those that work with the company, as well as that the system is supported by periodicals and systematic education and training activities;
  4. Implement commercial policies that give sufficient guarantee of presence and affirmation on the market which is in itself challenging in terms of performance-cost ratio
  5. Plan, implement and verify the specific objectives / targets for the Improvement of the Quality and Environmental Management System, which are periodically defined, checked by the Management and agreed, through the Management Review tool and all the registrations to it related.

The Administrator and the Management undertake to translate the Company Policy into operational decisions according to the following principles, responsibilities and functions:

  • All the staff make a fundamental and conscious contribution to the company management: therefore the management systematically favors the knowledge of the company objectives
  • The policy and management system are applied and respected within the company;
  • Area and department managers act to ensure that the management system is respected and applied by their collaborators.

The Administrator (or Management)
Fabio Longobardi

Ethical policy

Fratelli Longobardi S.r.l. recognizes the right to respect for human rights as a central value in corporate strategy. The ethical policy constitutes the foundation of its operational and management strategies for the whole company.

Fratelli Longobardi S.r.l. undertakes to work to ensure that its activities are of benefit to the parties involved in the company in full compliance with the provisions of the law and the provisions of the codes or regulations on safety and workers’ rights. Furthermore, it strives to ensure that the development of its activities is sustainable and compatible with the needs of protection and safety of workers and is oriented towards continuous improvement.

Therefore, the company undertakes in the field of social responsibility to comply with the requirements of the SA 8000: 2014 standard, specifically:

  • Nella gestione del Sistema di Gestione per la Responsabilità Sociale la Direzione è impegnata in modo diretto, continuo e permanente attraverso l’assegnazione di risorse adeguate per l’implementazione del sistema di gestione e il raggiungimento degli obiettivi pianificati;
  • Nell’attuazione del Sistema di Gestione per la Responsabilità Sociale l’azienda ha deciso di conformarsi alla legislazione vigente relativamente alle norme del Diritto del Lavoro ed alle norme internazionali richiamate nella SA 8000, che sono mantenute sotto controllo attraverso l’aggiornamento delle norme di settore;
  •  Nell’attuazione del Sistema di Gestione per la Responsabilità Sociale è coinvolto pienamente e consapevolmente il personale dell’azienda a tutti i livelli, attraverso l’attuazione di piani di addestramento e formalizzazione di incontri periodici con il personale;
  • Il rapporto con i fornitori è improntato alla massima collaborazione al fine di valutare attraverso la valutazione periodica dei risultati delle indagini relative al grado di soddisfazione dei dipendenti il rispetto dei requisiti fondamentali di tutela dei lavoratori;
  • L’azienda assicura la conformità alla norma di riferimento SA 8000 e alle normative cogenti del settore sicurezza e diritti dei lavoratori;
  •  La società rende pubblicamente disponibile la presente politica, che sarà costantemente mantenuta attiva con revisione annuale in occasione del riesame della direzione, con l’affissione presso i locali dell’azienda e la diffusione a tutto il personale dipendente;
  • In particolare in relazione all’adozione del sistema di gestione etico l’azienda sottoscrive il suo impegno a:
  • Non utilizzare e non favorire il lavoro minorile;
  • Non ricorrere a lavoro forzato o obbligato di nessun tipo;
  •  Rispettare le norme e leggi in materia di sicurezza dei lavoratori;
  •  Rispettare il diritto di tutto il personale di aderire alle organizzazioni sindacali e associazioni di categoria;
  • Non effettuare alcun tipo di discriminazione evitando trattamenti differenziati in base a razza, ceto sociale,
  • Origina nazionale, nascita, religione, invalidità, sesso, orientamento sessuale, responsabilità famigliari, stato civile, appartenenza sindacale, opinioni politiche, età o ogni altra condizione che potrebbe comportare la discriminazione;
  • Non applicare punizioni disciplinari, ad eccezione di quelle ammesse dal contratto collettivo di lavoro del proprio settore;
  • Conformarsi all’orario di lavoro stabilito dal CCNL e dagli eventuali accordi sindacali;
  • Rispettare e favorire il rispetto del salario minimo definito dai contratti collettivi di lavoro;
  • Qualificare e monitorare i fornitori in considerazione della loro importanza e del loro rispetto alla norma SA8000;

Per attuare tale programma e per monitorare le prestazioni del sistema di gestione etico l’organizzazione predispone annualmente obiettivi che vengono valutatati e revisionati in sede di Riesame della Direzione.

Si richiede, pertanto, a tutto il personale dell’azienda, il massimo impegno nell’attuazione e rispetto di tutte le procedure richiamate e/o contenute nel Sistema di Gestione di Responsabilità Sociale, quale fondamento essenziale dell’efficacia del Sistema stesso.

La Direzione aziendale si impegna alla diffusione e alla conoscenza della Politica Etica a tutti i livelli del personale e a tutte le parti interessate coinvolte.

The Administrator (or Management)
Fabio Longobardi

Halal Assurance System “HAS” policy

Fratelli Longobardi is committed to the compliant production of Halal products, to achieve this the company obtained the Halal certification of its production plant in 2017 and to ensure that Halal quality is maintained over time, it has adopted the following management policy:

  • Ensure that all products are Halal certified.
  • Ensure that all ingredients contained in the products are Halal certified.
  • Ensure the cleanliness of the premises and the absence of non-Halal or najis substances.
  • Train, develop and involve all stakeholders of the company to understand the Halal Assurance System (HAS).
  • Provide the necessary resources to continually improve the HAS system.

The Administrator (or Management)
Fabio Longobardi

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